Tuesday 27 October 2009

Hot Halloween Costumes - more whoa! than Boo!

Halloween is nearly here and it is time to get your costume ready if you havent allready got one you better get a move on. These 3 ladies have decided to push the boat out and wear their own work clothes out on the town.
Now thats Girl Power in action!

Monday 26 October 2009

Halloween costume ideas

Is this a good idea for a costume?
Monkey Butler, very cool

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Flashden asked by Adobe to change name

Adobe is a big company, with a lots of products, but one of its strongest brands is Flash. So when Adobe contacted Envato, an Australian startup that operates a set of popular marketplaces for digital creative goods to change one of their marketplaces names, Envato had no choice. Envato operates a property called FlashDen, which sells Adobe Flash and Flex files like preloaders, galleries, site templates and utilities. Files are created and sold by a huge community of authors from all over the world.
Last week Adobe contacted Envato and asked Envato to change the name and URL of FlashDen so that it would no longer contain the term ‘Flash’, which is a registered trademark of Adobe. With little time, Envato changed the name from FlashDen to ActiveDen.
Seeing this change, we reached out to Collis Ta’eed, the CEO of Envato, and he mentioned that Envato received a letter from a law firm representing Adobe asking to change FlashDen’s name. Envato followed through, not wanting more legal problems with Adobe. Ta’eed also mentioned that “FlashDen” was filed as a trademark in Australia in January 2008 and entered on the Australian trademark register in August 2008. Envato is based in Melbourne, Australia.
I guess the main takeaway here is that if you are trying to help Adobe build its ecosystem of apps around Flash, don’t try to communicate that by including the word Flash in the name of your site.


Monday 19 October 2009

Weekend Warrior

Another weekend past and another long week of work ahead of me. Once again the weekend was packed full of sporting goodness with another mammoth squash sessions and football session. Maybe one after the other is asking abit much of the old ankles. It feels good to be sitting in work on a Monday morning with my war wounds knowing I have all week to sit in a comfy chair drinking water from a trusty water cooler and recover to give them all hell again next week.

Feel the Burn

Thursday 15 October 2009

Wednesday 14 October 2009

I like his style

Excuse? funny picture
Don't be a loser, grab a funny pic right now!

Handstand pushups - strength on the flip side

Ever seen anyone doing handstand pushups and wanted to give it a go?

Well I had this same feeling and decided to give it ago last night. I am pretty sure that I have attempted this feat before and failed miserably but I was more confident this time around as I am stronger and have a better all round level of fitness.
After looking up some how to articles and putting a pillow on the floor I was ready to dive in head first, not literally I hoped. I took me a few attempts to get my legs up against the wall put after that I could adopt the position quite quickly. I was only able to complete 5 rather shakey reps but its a start. Here are some good tips I followed for beginners:

1. Use a pillow or cushion to soften any blows to your head!

2. Curve your body so that your hands are positioned slightly out from the wall, shoulder width apart, allowing your legs to lean back into the wall.

3. Once in the correct position hold it for 15 seconds to get used to this new orientation and also to test your strength.

4. When ready lower yourself slowly, gently touching your head on the pillow and pressing back up, locking your arms out into the starting position.

5. As with any exercise increase the amount of reps you can perform with good form over time.

Good luck!

Feel the Burn

Monday 12 October 2009

Review of no xplode - literally no xplosion

I have been training for the past couple of years and have started gettin quite serious about my routine and diet. I felt that I had reached the point where I needed an edge to to reep the rewards of the hard work that I was putting in. The only supplement I take is protein to supplement a busy lifestyle were gettin what your body needs isnt always easy to do.

So after I did my normal research of reading alot of reviews I decided to go ahead and by some no xplode to give me the edge that this product bragged about. I had low expectations and would have been happy with a slight increase in energy or a feeling of being ready for action. However following the instructions to the T and doing every thing that the product recommended for maximum results I was very disapointed when I felt nothing. There was no "insane buzz" that some reviewers raved about, not even a tingle.

I continued to take it as I had payed for it and thought that it might kick in after a while of taking it but still no buzz.
By final opinion of no xplode is that for something that claims such results it delivered nothing for me and I would recomend anyone who is thinking of buying it to think carefully about their needs.
Do u want to feel more energetic before your work out? - then drink a cup of black coffee.
Do you want to feel more pumped up and raring to lift big? - then crank your favourite 80's rock band to 11

Feel the Burn!

Fitness Weekend

This weekend was dominated by fitness, apart from the obvious friday nite drink and club.
First off I played squash for 2 solid hours and must have sweated out as much beer as I had drank the previous nite. But it felt good and all that running and diving about can only be good for you can't it.
Then after passing out on Saturday night from tiredness it was time to play another 2 hours of 5 a side football. It was a fast paced and energic match with goals coming from all angles.
Looking forward to next weekend and hope it is exactly the same.